December 27, 2011

Homeopathic treatments - do they work?

I was at my wits end last autumn (fall) when my normally clam horse was like a crazy horse! He was delusional and running around the paddocks - quickly turning them into mud. He was only happy while tied up with me standing next to him. He was not even calm in a yard.

I tried all the usual stuff - toxin binder, magnesium, valerian... but they didn't even touch the sides as far as making him calmer. He was always sweating and never eating so losing weight quickly - clearly this was not a healthy way for him to be in.

I finally found a book on Homeopathic Treatments for horses and called the author and described his symptoms to her. She sent me two bottles of clear liquid with instructions.

Two days later he was calm and out eating with the others.!!

I just got the news letter in the mail and wanted to share some of their remedies with you;

Rye Grass Staggers - GS node, then Minerals and Stramonium for delusional symptoms like my boy had.
Facial Eczema; FE node, Minerals, Hypericum, and Chelidonium

For us
Arnica for injuries and exhaustion
Apis for bee stings
Vespa  - wasp stings
Belladonna - sunburn
Sol - prevenative for sunburn - horses and humans

For more information go to 

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